Tuesday, 2 November 2010

A True Newport RFC Hero

Charles Meyrick Pritchard was a super star rugby player for Newport RFC and Wales. Sadly, as with several other players, Pritchard died on 14th August 1916. The official description of the event that lead to his death is below:

"Captain Pritchard was in charge of a raiding party on the night of August 12-13, 1916, the object being to secure a prisoner. He and his men, with the greatest dash and bravery, entered the enemy trenches at the head of his party. He was almost immediately wounded in the wrist, but nevertheless continued to encourage and direct his men. He himself took one of the enemy prisoner and forced him to ascend the ladder, following him over the parapet. He was then again badly wounded and handed the prisoner over to another officer of his party. He was finally brought back to our parapet in a state of collapse, owing to his many wounds. The success of the enterprise was largely due to his gallant leadership and devotion to duty."

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