Saturday 2 April 2011

Returning Prisoner's Joy

Newport Man's Pathetic Letter

The Pathetic joy shown by our boys returning to England after months of weary captivity and expereince of Hun brutality is vividly shown in a letter written in November 16 by Private W Savigar to his wife and son. He writes:
"I am quite well, and happy to know I am now in British hands after eight months of starvation in Germany, I arrived here yesterday. The Germans left 42 Englishmen without food. I had none for three days. Some Belgians gave me food and clothes. I was set free near the German border and had to walk right through Belgium. I am now getting plenty of food. I hope to be returned to England soon. I have lots to say about how Fritz treated our men and kicked and hit me with their rifles. I have had to live on nettles but thank God, it is all over now. Fritz is stealing cattle and chickens as he is going back but he has not much food for himself. I wrote to you and mother for over five months, but never had one letter from you. So I don't expect the Germans sent the letters."

Private Savigar's home is at 25, Bolt Street.

-- Letter is taken from the South Wales Argus, November 20th 1918.
Note the use of the term England rather than Wales.

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